Do you have a serious stressful situation and your internal state interferes with a full life? A loved one suffers from alcohol or other addiction, and you do not know how to help him/her? A psychotherapist will conduct the necessary diagnostic examination, establish the causes of the disorders that have arisen, provide qualified assistance in removing a person from a state of depression, stress, and various phobias. A psychotherapist is a physician with an appropriate medical education and specializing in the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of various borderline states and mental disorders.

Sign up for a consultation with a psychotherapist if:

  1. There was a serious mental trauma, the person experienced severe stress and shock.
  2. There is constant nervousness, depression, or sudden mood swings for no apparent reason.
  3. The feeling of chronic fatigue does not go away even after a full night’s sleep.
  4. There are signs of professional or emotional burnout.
  5. There is an uncontrollable fear of something or someone (phobias).
  6. It is necessary to exclude the psychosomatic nature of some diseases ulcerative colitis , bronchial asthma , neurodermatitismigraine , rheumatoid arthritis , etc.).

Mild manifestations of mental disorders can occur in any person. It is important to seek the help of a psychotherapist on time.

Diseases and conditions that the psychotherapists treat

  • Depression
  • Neuroses and neurasthenia
  • Panic attacks
  • Post-traumatic disorders
  • Psychotic and delusional disorders
  • Various phobias
  • Psychosomatic diseases
  • Obsessive desires for specific actions (for games, voyeurism, shopping mania, etc.)

Psychologist-psychotherapist engage in:

  • Correction of family relationships.
  • Providing psychological assistance in stressful situations.
  • Normalizing relationships with people around you.
  • Removal from states of increased anxiety , depression, etc.
  • Solving internal, personal, patient’s problems, etc.

Qualified psychologists use special psychological evidence-based methods.

Psychotherapy. The main directions of treatment:

1. Psychoanalysis and psychoanalytic psychotherapy.
They are carried out in a special atmosphere of safety and trust between the therapist and the patient, with the active participation of the latter. The method allows a person to better understand himself, analyze his feelings related to the past, present and future.

2. Gestalt therapy.
A method based on the search for your “I”, awareness of yourself, your needs, events, the world around you, etc.

3. Existential psychotherapy.
The direction of psychology, based on the basic problems of human existence and helping him to cope with despair.

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